Bible Way Christian Fellowships Internatinal (CFI)offers a full line of Minister Credentials for those who feel a call of God on their life to teach or preach
God's Word or to minister to others such as in Nursing Home Ministries. We offer an Exhorter Credential for those who are just starting
out in the ministry, we also offer License and Ordination Credentials for the more seasoned Minister.
There is a fee of $25 to apply for the Minister Credential and a maintenance fee to help keep the Credential current. For the Exhorter
Credtial the maintenance fee is $84 per year. For the License & Ordaination Credential is $120 per year.
CFI also offers Fellowship Charters for Ministries, such as for singing groups, Nursing Home Ministries, Ladies Ministries or whatever
type of ministry that God is leading you into. CFI also offers Charters for Churches, this opens the door for fellowship with otherchurches and denominations, but leaving the Church independent.
There is a fee of $25 to apply for a Fellowship Charter and a maintenance fee of $240 per year to maintain the Charter.
We can provide you with a copy of the CFI Bylaws and an application upon request for you to read and review.
The Bylaws contain further
information about obtaining membership with us.
If you have any question at all please feel free to contact us:
- our office hours are Monday - Thursday 8am to 6:30pm. -
Or you can write to us at:
3736 US Highway 160 W, Doniphan Mo. 63935.