~Adult Bible Study~
~Faith and the Unseen~
Written by Rev. Leslie Buckner
One of the Divisions of Bible Way Association is The Voice of Truth World Outreach Ministries Division, which copyrights all Sunday School Literature.
All of the material used for 'Faith & the Unseen Adult Bible Study' is taken from over 50 years of active study and ministry that have been personally
ministered to many families, ministers and churches.
Excerpt from Adult Bible Study:
Why does it seem at times that faith does not work? Prayers often go unanswered and faith is ineffective because there are things in our lifes that are
need to be brought to the cross. Often in the midst of a trial we err by looking to man's wisdom rather that God's Word for answers to our problems.
Man is always ready to give you a reason not to believe. Most people have a hard enough time believing God for their own problems, they don't have
the energy or inclination to stand with you to believe God to be delivered from your problems that don't even affect their lives.